Recovery of the ROM and function of the cervical spine in an elderly patient with Spondyloarthrosis

Author: Doctor Stefano Bigagli


89-year-old man. From Rx exams: “severe Spondyloarthrosis”. He worked in the mines and quarries. For over a year he has suffered from intermittent neck pain and continuous neck stiffness; sometimes a feeling of “disbandment”. The symptomatology does not have particular variations during the day, and often at night, he wakes up due to pain, feeling severe rigidity. The doctor has prescribed Tachipirina 1000, but after a week of therapy, he feels no benefit.

The physiotherapeutic evaluation shows widespread pain on finger pressure in the cervical paravertebral area, upper trapezius, and Sternocleidomastoideus bilaterally; it also has a painful functional limitation, especially in flexion-extension and inclination, bilaterally.

Test with baiobit:

Cervical ROM test, before and after three “Cervical Clock” exercise sessions of 10 ‘each performed in the office, every other day, for a week.

Rehabilitation program:

The patient underwent three 10-minute sessions of exercise with “Cervical Clock” with visual feedback in the clinic, every other day, over a week. In addition, as prescribed, he performed the same movements, independently, at home, every day for the same period of time, repeating them three times a day.


After one week, after three sessions of therapeutic exercise in the office and daily sessions of mobilization exercises of the cervical spine lasting about 10 ‘three times a day, the patient no longer has cervical pain (if not occasionally and slightly intensity). He no longer wakes up at night due to pain, thus managing to feel “more rested”. A feeling of “tension” remains, but in general, he feels “freer”. The patient, feeling the benefits, states that “he will certainly continue” to perform them.

The movement test with baiobit objective an improvement of the ROM, especially in the initially more limited directions (+ 14% in flexion, + 24% in extension, and + 10% in lateral inclination).

Initial measurement

Final measurement

Recovery of the ROM and function of the cervical spine in an elderly patient with Spondyloarthrosis-final-measurement-baiobit



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